About Us

The Mission

Reload Sports Apparel is a brand for those that are inspired to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Our mission is to provide the right athletic gear for the right scenarios to help you stand above the competition. From everyday fitness, crossfit, bodybuilding, skills training, hoops in the park, or even on those days when you need that much needed rest, we are your brand. So let’s reload and take athletic gear to the next level.


Our Story

Reload Sports Apparel was founded by CEO Rob Johnson in August 2016. He started the brand after being diagnosis with Type ll diabetes.  In Rob’s own words, “Reload” represents change and the ability to motivate yourself through difficult times. He created the Reload brand to help inspire others to strive for a healthier lifestyle through activity and sports.  Rob is a strong advocate of these words, and his hard-work and determination to develop a brand everyone can love has been the basic foundation for, “Reload Sports Apparel”.